The group task experienced by people these days is huge. In 1995, the U. s. Declares created roughly 4 billion documents–over 600 thousand websites of computer printouts each day! The normal National customer obtains 49,060 parts of email in a life-time and uses 250 pounds of report in a year. Somewhere around 50% of submitted content is repetitive or out of date and over 80% can’t be situated when it’s needed. The need for help dealing with this group turmoil has created an entire market of professional managers who charge up to $350 an hour for group services.
To further the organizational challenge, consumers are demanding online access to their personal information. The rapid growth in online bill paying services, online financial account management, and online stock trading is evidence of this trend. Other industries, like insurance and health care, are examining ways that they can leverage the Internet to support document distribution. Simply sending information by email places the organizational burden on the customer.
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