Nuncupative (verbal) Will

STATE OF __________________

COUNTY OF _________________


_______________, being first duly sworn to tell the truth, states:


That affiant resides at: ________________________________________

That on ______________________, _______________ died, and at that time was ____ years of age.


That on ___________________, TESTATOR, being in contemplation of imminent death due to terminal diagnosis, and in the opinion of the WITNESS possessing testamentary capacity, at approximately ____________, made the following dispositions of assets before ________________________ and ___________________________:



That the substance of the disposition was reduced to writing on _________________________ by _____________________________.








Sworn to and subscribed before me on ___________________.





My commission expires:



Nuncupative (verbal) Will

Review List

This review list is provided to inform you about this document and assist you in its preparation.  This in testimony reduced to documentary form intended to put into the force of law the last wishes of the decedent.  Clearly this puts this document on treacherous legal ice.  The more evidence you provide the better served the heirs will be.


  1. Make multiple copies.  Be sure each available witness, including bystanders such as doctors, nurses, or other non-heirs, are incorporated into this evidentiary statement.  Give a copy to each related party.


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